PS-LATEX is composed of three basic files: fntchoice.tex, lfonts.tex and psplain.tex.
The file fntchoice.tex contains definitions of the fonts to be used in , , etc., environments. Modify these for the names in use at your site. For example, at my site the Times Roman font3 is known as t-rom.
Having modified fntchoice.tex, you may need to modify lfonts.tex to reflect which sizes of TEX and LATEX fonts are available at your site; do this based on the copy of lfonts.tex that you use with LATEX.
Finally, to install PS-LATEX, follow the same procedure as you would to build LATEX (this varies from site to site), but use pslplain where you would use lplain. For example, to build a .fmt file under UNIX4 you would normally type the command
initex lplain '\dump'To build pslplain.fmt you should type
initex pslplain '\dump'
You will also need .TFM files for the PostScript fonts that you intend to use. A set of these is distributed with the UNIX TEX distribution, and can be found on the Aston TEX archive server in the UKm and on in the US. A few fonts used by PS-LATEX are not in this set; .pl files for these are distributed with PS-LATEX, and can be converted to .tfm files using the pltotf utility.